Premium Fertilizer and Compost Specialist


About Us

Umoja Soils is home to millions of red wrigglers living just beneath the soil surface feeding only on green waste. They produce castings that are high in nutrients, Calcium, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. The product is odourless, has a neutral ph, is 100% organic and surpasses all other compost products on the market. This is for people who love their plants and care about the environment!


Umoja Soils: Life in the compost heap

Established in 2008, Umoja Soils has grown over the years into South Africa’s top vermi product producer. Located in the Pniel Valley, between Stellenbosch and Franschhoek, Umoja Soils is home to millions of red wriggler earthworms, who play the key role in the production of Umoja Soils flagship products, Vermigro and Vermipure which, like all the products produced at Umoja are 100% organic, with only green waste used in the production of Vermigro.

Benefits of Organic Composting:

The mainstay of organic (for our purposes, sustainable) agriculture is the maintenance of soil health and environmental balances through continual applications of compost. Compost increases soil workability, water holding capacity, porosity and drainage, compost minimizes wind and water erosion. Soil temperatures are moderated, making plants less susceptible to extremes of heat or cold.

  • Compost nutrients are released slowly, allowing them to stay in the soil for a period of up to five years. So, while chemical fertilizers may contain more available nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium than compost, compost allows these and other nutrients to be consumed by plant roots as they are needed. Slow-release of nutrients in compost means there is also no danger of over-fertilizing plants.
  • Compost enhances microbial action in the soil. This creates a stable ecosystem for beneficial insects, birds and other organisms, which keeps pests in check and trigger plants’ natural defences against diseases. Healthier plants lessen the need for fertilizers or pesticides. Fewer fertilizers and pesticides pose less of a danger to animals and humans who are exposed to toxic residuals through food, water, soil and air.

Some interesting facts about Earthworms

  • Earthworms are nature’s most amazing recyclers.
  • Vermiculture is the term used for the raising of earthworms in a controlled environment.
  • Vermicompost or Vermigro as we call it is partly broken down organic waste produced by earthworms in compost bins or composting mounds.
  • Castings are the worm manure.
  • Worm leachate or what we call Vermigro Tea, is the liquid that is collected from the composting bins or by mixing some Vermigro with water and is used as a plant fertilizer.
  • Earthworms help in maintaining soil fertility by increasing the breakdown of organic waste and producing mineral-rich castings (Vermi compost/ Vermigro), therefore reducing the need for expensive and harmful chemical fertilisers.
  • The earthworms most suited to compost bins are Red Wrigglers (Eisenia Fetida) 6-10cm long, red on top and paler underneath.
  • They can be found where there is moist rotting organic material: leaf mould, compost heaps.
  • Have voracious appetites and can eat as much as half of their weight.
  • Earthworm population doubles within 5-7 weeks.
  • Can digest almost 90% of organic materials.
  • Can tolerate a wider range of temperature than other earthworms.


Please find our latest price list below.

If you are a grow shop, nursery or retail shop, please email us with a request for our wholesale prices.



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